World Academician Forum 2021

Theme: From Bio-Concept to Market

Series II: Emerging Industry Development Tomorrow
Preliminary Program

Time: September 24, 2021, Thursday Afternoon, 13:30-17:00
Venue: Room 9, Dalian World EXPO Center, Dalian, China

Time Activities and Events
Moderator President/Vice President of Dalian University of Technology/DICP
Co-Chair Call for Co-chair
13:30-13:35 Forum Introduction and Opened by Moderator
13:35-13:50 VIP Speeches
Provincial and Municipal Governmental Officer’s Welcome Remark
Academician Representatives
Dalian Hi-Tech Park Leaders
President of University or CAS
13:50-16:20 What are hot in Innovations and Inventions from Academicians?
10 Project Briefing

Net Generation Network
Smart Materials and Smart Sensors
Smart Chips and IC
3D Printing
Edging Computing
Quantum Physics
New Catalysts
New Energy Storage Technology
16:20-17:00 High-end Dialog for Disruptive Innovation
Motivation Factors towards National Innovation Strategy
Roles of Innovation from Academy of Sciences
How to Solve Conflicts between Breakthrough and Followers
IP Protection and Innovation Globalization
17:00-17:10 Authorization Ceremony for Academicians as City Ambassadors
Governmental Authorization Officer: Mayor or Vice Major of Dalian
17:10-17:30 Signing Ceremony of Academicians with Partners
-Potential Industrialization Projects
-International Collaboration in Basic Research
-Closing remark from Dalian Municipal Governmental Officer